Robotic removal of button bone and flat bone after striploin chine bone removal – stage 2 - first integrated cell

08 November 2023
Focus area: Hands-off processing
Program stream: Advanced manufacturing
This project is a world-first in examining the potential of a robotic method for performing beef button bone and flat bone separation. Following on from the development results and equipment from stage 1 of the project, stage 2 involved validation for performance in a practical setup.

A key part of stage 2 has been the revision and fine-tuning of the design of the Striploin Primal Holder used in the deboning process.  The solution is simple in design, low cost for manufacture and integration, and provides the capability for holding and restraining the primal piece.

The robotic process as defined by the project provides a new method for using sensory information to guide cutting tools for deboning button bones and flat bones, and an integrated robot cell has now been implemented. Further R&D is required to define more appropriate separation tools for deboning the flat bones, and a deeper examination of the blade shape used for button bone separation is required.
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