C. bovis risk management plan and verification arrangements

23 June 2023
Focus area: International competitiveness
Program stream: Technical market access & markets
Project number: 2022-1178
AMPC worked closely with red meat processers, industry stakeholders and government to develop a risk management framework to support the risk-based inspection requirements for Cysticercus bovis in the revised Australian Standard for the Hygienic Production and Transportation of Meat and Meat Products for Human Consumption (AS 4696: 2023; the standard).

The framework provides risk management and verification detail required by regulators, processors, producers, and other stakeholders along the supply chain. It details the actions and requirements to ensure the C. bovis risk associated with cattle exposed to inadequately treated human wastewater, is identified, and managed appropriately.

For more information about the framework, visit the product and process integrity resources page: https://ampc.com.au/education-resources/product-and-process-integrity-resources 
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