- Operational efficiency
- Innovation resource planning and people development
- Sustainability (Environment)
- Feedlot/livestock
- Supply chain innovation (including areas such as eating quality; information management; supply chain alignment; through chain assurance)
- Marketing/product innovation - including integration between CISP and Global Marketing Agreement programs as appropriate (separate contractual arrangements are in place for the Global Marketing Agreements)
During the three-year period, a range of current and new strategy development and implementation activities were planned including (but were not limited to):
- Documentation of key objectives and innovation initiatives in each of the above key business areas
- Quantifiable innovation performance targets in each of the key business areas, including the development of baselines and measurement systems to monitor progress against planned objectives
- Development of an innovation skills and resources plan to build KPC's capability to effectively implement the innovation strategies
-Initiatives to support the cultural change required across the business to deliver against corporate innovation objectives