Industry-first trials are underway to identify new inputs to help red meat processors improve productivity and produce more biogas through co-digestion.
Researchers will install two pilot scale anaerobic co-digester reactors at Griffith University, QLD. They are currently sampling various agro-industrial and processor bioresources from waste streams to develop the best cross-sectoral processor solutions for testing and validation.
AMPC Program Manager Matt Deegan said, “The biggest area to help the red meat processing industry to decarbonise is through being more productive in creating on-site bioenergy.
“Current biogas production rates could be significantly increased, using the same onsite red meat processing bioresources, but with the addition of certain organic supplements with more active process management.”
“These new processes to create bioenergy could reduce carbon emissions while supporting renewable energy sources, improving both sustainability and resilience in the industry.”
This pilot project follows recent research by Tessele Consultants that helps processors modernise and manage the wastewater treatment process, with better recovery of valuable bio-resources, reduced landfill, and reduced emissions.
Matt said, “The materials produced by the two best combined bioresource candidates will go into the pilot-scale reactors and will be tested, managed, and monitored over several months. The management process will use different temperatures, mixing rates, retention times, with monitoring to identify the most productive combinations for co-digestion.
“This is the first project of this scale for the processing industry. Using the online monitored pilot scale reactors and a more extensive range of materials then what’s been trialled in the past.”
“We are hoping to build confidence around improving productivity and efficiency through co-digestion with case studies that will help progress this research to full scale.”
This project is being jointly funded by AMPC, RACE for 2030 CRC, and Griffith University.
Read more about research in this area at the AMPC website:
For more information contact Matt Deegan at