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Bandsaw safety – member opportunity

25 April 2021
Bandsaw safety – member opportunity

Operating a bandsaw has traditionally been one of the most dangerous roles in a processing facility – but it doesn’t have to be. AMPC is seeking members interested in trialling a newer, safer option.

Injuries to bandsaw operators are a big issue for processors, first of course, because no plant wants their staff hurt. Secondly, because it means lost productivity, and thirdly because fear of the bandsaw scares off some potential candidates.

New technology using clever vision sensors is making the bandsaw far safer. It can warn operators if their hands come within a set distance of the blade, and will shut down instantly if contact is made.

You can see more about this technology here or check it out for yourself at AMPC’s Beef 2021 stand.

If you’re interested in exploring opportunities to trial this tech at your plant, contact Amanda Carter.

Previous in this focus area 23 October 2021 Update on shadow robots Next in this focus area 30 May 2021 Beef 2021 – and what comes next