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More to Meat – August 2024 update

23 August 2024
More to Meat – August 2024 update

AMPC’s More to Meat campaign is promoting the important role red meat processors play in regional communities across Australia, and their significant contribution to jobs and the economy. 

Our goal has been to promote the role of processors directly to the communities familiar with the industry, and to highlight the industry’s fantastic employees too.

AMPC believes the best advocates for our industry are the people working in the industry itself.

We’re excited to showcase some of our latest More to Meat campaign material which featured in regional towns and cities throughout July and August.

These have included outdoor billboards, like in the Northern Rivers and in Albury, just to name a few.

Albury billboard

Our campaign has also featured in regional newspapers, on social media channels, and even on YouTube. 

They have been designed to highlight how red meat processors are essential job providers for many regional communities, and how the industry supports the entire red meat supply chain.

This year, the campaign has been featured in a range of regional locations across New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. 

We have worked with many of you to promote your organisation directly in the communities in which you operate. 

More to Meat campaign
Dwayne from TFI

More to Meat will continue to promote your organisations and the great work you’re doing in your town or city.

If you would like to get involved in More to Meat, reach out to AMPC General Manager – Strategic Industry Development Veneta Chapple at