Renewable hydrogen (H2) cost-benefit analysis for Australian red meat processors

17 July 2020
Focus area: Energy
Program stream: Sustainability
Project number: 2020-1014
Hydrogen (H2) provides Australia’s red meat industry with the opportunity to simultaneously reduce energy costs, increase energy security and reduce emissions to air associated with fossil fuel combustion.

The production of hydrogen is a mature technology due to the long history of electrolysis with H2 used in petroleum refining, food processing (hydrogenation of fats and oils), welding, glass manufacture, and power stations (alternator / turbine cooling). Recent advancements in hydrogen fuel cell (FC) technology means that the following hydrogen opportunities now exist for red meat processors (RMP):
  • Hydrogen as a transport fuel for refrigerated trucks, hook bins, and other heavy vehicles,
  • Hydrogen forklifts and light vehicles,
  • Power generation for off-grid, peak shaving, and emergency power applications,
  • Refueling of transport vehicles (e.g. sale to logistics sub-contractors),
  • Sale into the general market as industrial hydrogen for oil refining, metal works, glass manufacture, R&D, etc.
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