Anaerobic membrane bioreactors: in vessel technology for high rate recovery of energy and nutrient resources

01 August 2015
Focus area: Waste
Program stream: Sustainability
Project number: 2014-1012
Red meat processing plants can generate volumes of wastewater rich in both organic contaminants and nutrients and can therefore be strong candidates for treatment processes aimed at recovery of energy and/or nutrient resources. The focus of this project was to continue the development, optimisation and integration of anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBRs) as a high rate in-vessel anaerobic technology for recovery of energy from processing plant wastes, and struvite crystallisation for low cost recovery of phosphorus (and nitrogen) from processing plant wastes. This project builds on previous research and investment by AMPC and leverages significant investment and expertise from other Australian industries.

AnMBRs are an alternative to existing covered anaerobic lagoon (CAL) processes with much higher volumetric loading rates (10-100x larger) and advantages of improved effluent quality, improved gas capture, reduced odour and the potential to manipulate operational conditions for optimal nutrient recovery. However, there is very little information on AMBR design/design methodologies or the operation on abattoir wastewater. This increases the risk for the industry.
Previous in this focus area 15 September 2023 Feasibility study for a refuse derived fuel created from paunch, biosolids and construction and demolition waste Next in this focus area 11 December 2017 Anaerobic membrane bioreactors: in-vessel technology for high rate recovery of energy and nutrient resources