Educational pathways: creating a highly skilled meat industry - year 1

13 July 2018
Focus area: Development
Program stream: People & culture
Project number: 2016-1027
The 'Educational Scholarship Pathways Program: Creating a Highly Skilled Meat Industry' project aims to create a holistic educational program at RMIT University to develop people that will have the skills and knowledge to contribute to the Australian red meat industry over the coming decades. The project has been set up as three individual contracts (Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3) with overlapping goals.

The project content comprises a Bachelor Degree Program, an Honours Degree Program, a PhD / Master by Research Program, and a Post-doctoral Fellowship.
Previous in this focus area 16 May 2016 AMPC summary – food safety and quality assurance for SMEs Next in this focus area 18 April 2019 Educational pathways: creating a highly skilled meat industry - year 2