CISP stage 3 innovation manager, northern

29 March 2019
Focus area: Development
Program stream: People & culture
Project number: 2016-1370
The Innovation Development Program (IDP) was a program that resulted from the existing Collaborative Innovation Strategies Partnership Program (CISP). The aim of the IDP was to expose identified leaders of the red meat industry to a process of Invention through identification, investigation and selection, followed by practical application through implementation within a specific plant-specific project.

Initially, the IDP covered the following units of competency over three workshops throughout a 12 month period. The second round of workshops were held in April 2017 over the course of three days, and featured a more compact program involving innovation methodologies, a study on what is innovation, examples of innovative thinkers and businesses, and tools that organisations and individuals may use to support innovative thinking and activities.

Each participant chose a challenge that was specific to their workplace. This allowed them to apply their theoretical knowledge within their workplace. All participants were actively engaged in developing their challenges beyond the completion of the IDP.

Previous in this focus area 16 May 2016 AMPC summary – food safety and quality assurance for SMEs Next in this focus area 29 April 2017 Collaborative innovation manager