Scoping processor requirements in beef cutting control, yield data traceability, robotics, automation and structured manual cutting and handling

28 February 2019
Focus area: Hands-off processing
Program stream: Advanced manufacturing
Project number: 2018-1112
The project has considered and applied change management as a discipline for transitions in the adoption of automation that can accomplish sustainable benefits in Australian beef processing.

The focus has been scoping processor requirements in beef cutting control, yield, traceability, robotics, automation and structured manual cutting and handling.

The objectives of the project have included: 

•    Review of meat processing operations and opportunities for automation in relation to cutting and handling tasks
•    Review of the benefits and barriers to change, with respect to automation and robotics, traceability and sorting of beef products, and yield control
•    Scope of opportunity and potential for implementation of automation and robotics solutions
•    Examining the framework for adopting present technology, with the management of change, and the scope for longer-term R&D
•    Scoping international co-operation between Australian processors and international technology organisations

Formation of a project team to review, drive and procure robotics and automation is important to execute recommendations. Provision of space and consideration of human resource against specific solutions is necessary regardless of the status of technology being adopted. 
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