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AMPC to host Safety Spotlight event in March 2025

24 January 2025
AMPC to host Safety Spotlight event in March 2025

AMPC is set to host its next innovation Spotlight event, which will focus on safety. This follows the success of the 2022 work, health, and safety conference. 

The two-day event, which will be held in Melbourne from 25 – 26 March, will bring together red meat processors and industry participants from across Australia to experience the latest innovations in safety and wellbeing research. 

AMPC Program Manager People and Culture Amanda Carter said, “The Safety Spotlight will showcase the latest outcomes from AMPC projects that have been completed or are ongoing, and projects that processors can get involved with. 

“Attendees will hear the most up-to-date information on work, health, and safety legislation and practices and will have several opportunities to network with like-minded people. 

“There will be a workshop with Work Smarter: Live Better author Cyril Peupion on work habits and time management and Corporate Wellbeing Hub’s Carli Phillips will provide an update on the valuable AMPC research she is completing that is developing wellbeing resources for JBS Southern’s Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) workers”. 

Corporate Wellbeing Hub CEO Carli Phillips said, “We recently completed a wellbeing assessment with the PALM workers at JBS Southern and have identified both risk and protective factors across physical and mental health which will be presented during the session. 

“Training resources have been developed as part of the research and will be distributed to all attendees to take back to their plants and support employee wellbeing.”

The AMPC Safety Awards will highlight the accomplishments of the red meat processing industry’s safety champions. The awards will recognise cutting-edge programs and product developments while showcasing the innovative work the industry is already doing in this area. You can access the conditions of entry and entry form here. Applications close Friday 7 March 2025. 

For a full list of past AMPC Safety Award winners and to watch the 2022 award submissions, visit the AMPC website:

Register to attend the Safety Spotlight via Eventbrite:

If you have any questions, please contact AMPC Program Manager Amanda Carter at or 0429 658 124.