Using GS1 barcoding to resolve missing port marks in the USA – stage 2

29 October 2018
Focus area: Market access
Program stream: Technical market access & markets
Project number: 2016-1348
The purpose of this project was to demonstrate the robustness, reliability and timeliness of both electronic messaging and Meat Messaging portal to FSIS in support of a proposal that the GS1 bar code can replace the shipping mark. This was to be done through a trial using a nominated supply chain with scan all cartons at load-in and reconcile each carton against the cartons uploaded into the Meat Messaging portal. The report from this trial would then be made available to DAWR immediately upon completion and would be used to support a case to have the GS1 barcode replace manually applied shipping marks.

The Meat Messaging portal has been shown to facilitate the use of a pallet label that has the shipping mark printed on it. This allows reconciliation of individual cartons on a pallet with the pallet label. A trial has been proposed to FSIS through DAWR. The Supply Chain sub-committee of the Australian Meat Industry Language and Standards Committee should continue to pursue this opportunity with DAWR.

The uptake by industry of the Meat Messaging portal has also been slow. It is recommended that consideration be given to improving awareness and knowledge of the Meat Messaging system in both Australia and the US. The understanding of Meat Messaging within the US Meat Import Industry is very low.

Milestone 7 of the project is to run a series of information sessions for the wider industry. Improving awareness and knowledge of the Meat Messaging system in both Australia and the US will be a component of these sessions.
Previous in this focus area 15 February 2016 Consumer insights analyses in Australian lamb products Next in this focus area 17 January 2019 Using pallet labels as an alternate system of shipping mark application to loads of beef intended for the US