Risk management equivalence for C.bovis inspection

18 March 2022
Focus area: International competitiveness
Program stream: Technical market access & markets
Project number: 2021-1186
This project funded the validation of data of C. bovis post-mortem inspection (PMI) to form a case for Australian processors to export to overseas beef markets. 

As part of the project, a full report on the effectiveness of public health mitigations via waste-water treatments was produced that explains the incidence rate of C. bovis over the past 20 years. 

This data provided the technical basis for the development of a verifiable risk management system to support alternative C. bovis PMI for the 2022 Australian Standard for the Hygienic Production and Transportation of Meat and Meat Products for Human Consumption. 

The project provided guidance for the establishment of a Steering Group as the final pathway to deliver benefits for C. bovis PMI. 
Previous in this focus area 15 February 2016 Consumer insights analyses in Australian lamb products Next in this focus area 30 June 2018 Creating and sharing unrealised value through the supply chain