De-dagging feasibility (phase 1)

04 March 2022
Focus area: Products
Program stream: Technical market access & markets
Project number: 2021-1119
This project funded research to determine the feasibility and concept design assessment for a solution for de-dagging livestock at an Australian red meat processing plant. 

As part of the project, three solutions were identified including enzyme surfactant, underbody spray in yards and mechanical intervention. Each solution was evaluated, and it was determined that: 

•    The use of multiple enzyme solutions to loosen or remove dags prior for use prior to processing, with success the most appropriate solution was established. 
•    There was possibility of retrofitting and installing underbody sprays in the existing lairage yards.
•    There are multiple mechanical intervention devices that will allow dag removal before hide removal 
Previous in this focus area 15 February 2016 Consumer insights analyses in Australian lamb products Next in this focus area 11 February 2025 Deep learning vision for box label and red meat cut identification