C. bovis risk management plan and verification arrangements

15 March 2023
Focus area: International competitiveness
Program stream: Technical market access & markets
Project number: 2022-1179
AMPC worked with Dr Daryl Stevens as part of a wider project that addressed the translation of scientific research into support for changes to post-mortem inspection requirements reflected in recent updates to the Australian Standard for the Hygienic Production and Transportation of Meat and Meat Products for Human Consumption. 

As part of this project, Dr Stevens attended industry steering group meetings and provided scientific and expert advice related to recycled water production from human sewage and C. bovis risks associated with cattle that may be subsequently exposured to this water. He also provided advice on guidelines and risk management strategies to achieve this. 
Previous in this focus area 15 February 2016 Consumer insights analyses in Australian lamb products Next in this focus area 23 June 2023 C. bovis risk management plan and verification arrangements