28 December 2019
Focus area: Market access
Program stream: Technical market access & markets
Project number: 2018-1131
In 2018, on behalf of industry, the Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC) successfully attained the support and agreement of the Department of Agriculture to initiate an AEMIS Review. To assure independence, it was agreed by government and industry, that the Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC) would be the AEMIS Review’s lead project administrator.
As per the AEMIS Review’s agreed scope, the review undertook consultations with government and the export meat sector to determine if AEMIS was still effective, efficient and fit for purpose since its inception in 2011. It was reviewed against five strategic pillars: operations, technical requirements, market access, finance and service delivery. The now completed review makes recommendations about the future needs of the export inspection and certification system.