Wingham livestock data link adoption

05 November 2018
Focus area: Communities
Program stream: Sustainability
Project number: 2017-1081

Livestock Data Link (LDL) aims to enhance the exchange and utilisation of information by businesses within the red meat industry through the implementation of a national standardised carcase feedback system. 

The following projects have been undertaken:

•    Project management services

•    Several projects covered the cost of a consultant that provided project management services for the Livestock Data Link project including the management and technical assistance for the piloting of the project, the development of functional requirements as the project progressed, project planning and program evaluation, and coordination of the delivery of technical services to ensure that key project milestones were met.

•    Two projects facilitated the piloting of LDL in processing plants in southern Australia, which assisted in linking supplier groups to participating processors and evaluation of the pilots, along with reviewing the Solutions to Feedback library to ensure it remained current.

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