Water reduced smallstock evisceration table wash

07 April 2022
Focus area: Energy
Program stream: Sustainability
Project number: 2021-1112

AMPC supported an Australian red meat processing plant to modify, integrate, and evaluate an upgraded evisceration system to prevent ongoing maintenance demands, production stops and excessive water leakes through new pump technology and SCADA integration. 

The integration of the SCADA systems has resulted in the following improvements:

- Monitoring evisceration table speeds, pumping status and synchronisation with main processing chain, allowing for fault identification and correction in a timely manner
- Water savings 
- Operational savings 
- Power savings 

Previous in this focus area 15 September 2023 Feasibility study for a refuse derived fuel created from paunch, biosolids and construction and demolition waste Next in this focus area 28 July 2021 Water reference group - assisting industry in adopting direct planned potable recycled water for use