Solar PV opportunities

13 July 2023
Focus area: Energy
Program stream: Sustainability
Project number: 2021-1047

This research included a review of solar penetration in the red meat processing industry, solar performance reviews, site specific solar assessments and assistance with procurement of solar.

It found that 26 red meat processing sites (19% of all sites) had solar installed as of the 31 March 2021.

The results from existing solar installations showed that solar performed in line with or slightly above projections most of the time.

Over the period of 1 Jun 2021 to 31 May 2023, Beam Energy Labs completed site-specific assessment for 52 new or exisitng systems at red meat processing sites in Australia. The project has led to an additional 15 MW of solar capacity installed, contracted or approved. This equates to an increase in the initial installed capacity of solar in the red meat processing industry of 150 per cent. 

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