Race for 2030 B4 opportunity assessment – flexing industrial refrigeration, a feasibility study for Australian meat processors

17 October 2021
Focus area: Energy
Program stream: Sustainability
Project number: 2022-1056
This project aimed to identify and quantify possible load shed options within the significant refrigeration loads of meat processors. 

Detailed investigations were performed across the sector including discussions with meat processors, refrigeration providers, technology suppliers and energy retailers to facilitate this study.

There is limited opportunity to load shed users directly (i.e., without storage).The quantity of shed available is relatively small and would not be available for additional demand response payments.

Many boning rooms are fed with a chilled glycol loop (and more sites are being converted to this) and it is a good load for including thermal storage in, although this can be a relatively small load in relation to the site. 

The thermal storage can charge/discharge in relation to pricing and demand response levels. However, once the COP of the refrigeration systems is included, and the charge/discharge rates, the overall economics are not attractive.

Electrical batteries can be used to offset load during high pricing times and provide load shed. This opportunity has the most significant amount of load shed of the opportunities identified and the economics are worthy of further investigation.

High Temperature Heat Pumps operating in conjunction with the existing hot water generation systems are an effective method to load shed and optimise energy use and carbon emissions.

The full report is available on request through AMPC. 
Previous in this focus area 15 September 2023 Feasibility study for a refuse derived fuel created from paunch, biosolids and construction and demolition waste Next in this focus area 04 October 2021 Race for 2030 B3 opportunity assessment – electrification & renewables to displace fossil fuel for process heating