Organic and inorganic waste management at processing plants

11 December 2017
Focus area: Waste
Program stream: Sustainability
Project number: 2016-1010

Project 1/3:

The focus of this project was to assess the requirements to treat, store, or otherwise transform paunch into a usable product for on farm use.

The aims of the project were twofold:
i) to validate the criteria for paunch stabilization and
ii) to determine the application rates for on farm use.

Project 2/3:

This project aims to help understand the factors that have held back the implementation of paunch as a waste to energy stream and to start the process of turning this waste product into a valued commodity.

This project investigated the drying rates, equilibrium moisture content and calorific value of paunch waste.

Project 3/3:

This project investigated how inorganic waste streams can be avoided, reduced, reused or recycled via projects that provide a Return on Investment (RoI).

The industry has made significant efforts to improve the environmental sustainability of red meat processing, however further improvements can be made through better informed procurement; investment in innovative technologies, processes, and practices; training of staff; and ensuring sustainable use of resources in a responsible and efficient manner.
Previous in this focus area 15 September 2023 Feasibility study for a refuse derived fuel created from paunch, biosolids and construction and demolition waste Next in this focus area 15 June 2017 Phosphorus on irrigation sites