Industry strategic narrative

28 October 2021
Focus area: Communities
Program stream: Sustainability
Project number: 2021-1130

This project focused on building a new narrative for the Australian Red Meat Processing sector. 

Its aims were:
•    To create a compelling industry narrative
•    To set the foundations for raising the perceived value of the sector among stakeholders
•    To create champions or advocates - within the sector and across members - capable of telling the story in a compelling way, to different audiences.

To develop the narrative, there were four major workshops, four presentations, three narrative review and story feedback sessions, six executive interviews, two story focus groups, two training sessions and multiple core team meetings. Participants ranged from CEOs to local managers from processing plants – to ensure buy in from the whole sector. 

The final narrative was captured in a Sector Story Guide that will allow members to tell a common story but adapt it for their audiences and purposes. The narrative is a blueprint for all communications and focuses on a key theme, along with three value buckets that demonstrate how processors add value. The Guide also contains a section on how to tailor the narrative for major stakeholder audiences. 

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