Diverting plastics from landfill

25 October 2023
Focus area: Waste
Program stream: Sustainability
Project number: 2022-1055
This project defined the compliance framework and support programs for industry reporting on used packaging material, illustrated the progress around sustainable packaging solutions in red meat, and explored the consumption of single-use plastics at Australian red meat processing facilities. From the analysis, strategies to reduce on-site single use plastic waste for landfill disposal at the facilities were investigated, including through the implementation of circular economy principles. All single use plastics consumed on-site and collected by waste recovery were included in the project scope.

Based on supplied data, seven high priority items were identified by the amount of usage and/or weight of plastic waste created. For each item, waste-reduction scenarios were generated, including interventions such as downcycling, reusing products and using biodegradable alternatives. Combined, these scenarios have the potential to enable nearly 60% of single use on-site plastic from facilities to be diverted from landfill. 

The study highlighted the need for collaboration with plastic producers, manufacturers, suppliers, co-located industries, waste services and re-processors, with the aims to develop alternative strategies to reduce landfill and/or develop better waste recovery streams. Continued monitoring of plastic use at individual sites is also recommended.
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