Cost-benefit analysis and preliminary design of energy technologies for opal creek feedlot and emissions reduction fund opportunities

12 December 2016
Focus area: Energy
Program stream: Sustainability
Project number: 2016-1352
The red meat industry consumes significant quantities of fuel and electricity. Energy is one of the main resource inputs and rising costs of fuel and electricity as well as the impact on greenhouse gas emissions will continue to influence the usage of energy throughout the industry. 

In order to reduce energy consumption and costs as well as the environmental impact, AMPC and industry partners continuously works on the identification of energy efficiency opportunities and the implementation of new energy smart technologies throughout the industry.

Positive results and energy savings were already achieved by several projects and initiatives, such as the flash steam recovery project on a boiler, delivered savings of 16,866 GJ/yr - equivalent to 5.3% of the plant's usual energy consumption reduction in hot water temperature, saving of 3,335 GJ/yr - 1.1% of the plant's energy usage.
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