Carbon Neutral Certification (AMPC Innovation Showcase)

16 December 2022
Focus area: Communities
Program stream: Sustainability
Project number: 2023-1017
This project involved the AMPC’s journey to certify its inaugural Innovation Showcase in October 2022 as a carbon neutral event under the government's Climate Active program. 

By certifying the event as carbon neutral, AMPC was able to demonstrate leadership and continued commitment to managing and reducing emissions, and further support the increased awareness of verified sustainability initiatives. 

The process involved a number of key steps, in line with the Climate Active Standard for Events. These included establishing the emissions boundary and emissions sources, collecting relevant data to estimate expected emissions, developing the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and purchasing carbon offsets to achieve carbon neutrality, and completing pre and post event public disclosure statements.

Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) from an Australian Human Induced Regeneration project were used to offset the emissions from the event. Overall, the project successfully raised awareness of the carbon neutral process and the Climate Active Standard within the AMPC member-base, through the certification of the event and the plenary session where the offsets and their benefit to the value chain were discussed. 
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