Traceability – primal to steak (stage 2)

20 January 2022
Focus area: Traceability & integrity systems
Program stream: Product & process integrity
Project number: 2021-1268
AMPC partnered with Griffith University to test a concept of using meat products themselves as unique ‘fingerprints’ to establish supply chain traceability.

Griffith University designed an identification framework to validate the concept and recognise whether two photos are coming from the same piece of meat. Using the framework, the results for unpackaged beef showed good accuracy, precision, and recall. 

The results obtained in this proof-of-concept project indicate that beef without packaging has potential to be correctly identified. 
Previous in this focus area 23 January 2017 Animal welfare auditing Next in this focus area 25 January 2023 Traceability – primal to steak (stage two)