Pilot study on design of lairage, handling and stunning facilities and the potential impact on animal welfare and meat quality

30 October 2018
Focus area: Animal welfare
Program stream: Product & process integrity
Project number: 2016-1190
While there is evidence that pre-slaughter stress, affects animal welfare and meat quality, little is known of the relative importance of handling pre-slaughter and the effect of design features of animal holding and raceways in Australian abattoirs on handling, stress and stun efficacy.

This project resulted in recommendations on the design of laneways and, lairage areas, as well as best animal handling and dog use practices.  The project highlights the importance of facility design and the development of design principles to ease flow and thus animal welfare to improve overall meat quality.
Previous in this focus area 23 January 2017 Animal welfare auditing Next in this focus area 31 May 2018 Predictive modelling pilot trial on beef products through a retail supply chain