Microbiological food safety and storage life of Australian red meat

03 October 2018
Focus area: Food safety
Program stream: Product & process integrity
Project number: 2018-1086
For many years, there has been anecdotal evidence through the international meat trade that Australian meat products excel in food safety and shelf life.

This project tracks the historical development of Australia’s red meat science and research. It demonstrates how Australia’s initiative and innovation has underpinned our capability of leaders in the field and world-class in hygienic meat products.

  • The monograph (full report) is written in scientific format and charts the pivotal role played by research and development in Australia’s current system.
  • The executive summary is a snapshot of the current microbiological profile of Australian red meat highlighting comparisons with Australia’s global competitors, written specifically for non-technical readers.
Previous in this focus area 23 January 2017 Animal welfare auditing Next in this focus area 24 January 2018 Microplasma disinfection of meat