Enhancing supply chain profitability through reporting and utilizationof peri-mortem information by livestock producers

21 September 2022
Focus area: Traceability & integrity systems
Program stream: Product & process integrity
Project number: 2017- 1099
This project received funding under Round 2 of the Rural Research and Development for Profit Program administered by the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. The project was a partnership between AMPC, Australian Pork Limited, Meat and Livestock Australia, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, and Victoria and South Australian Research and Development Institute. 

The project had the objective of collecting animal health disease and defect data (peri-mortem data) at processing plants and feeding this information back to producers. The aim was to provide meaningful data to producers on their herd or flock health to allow them to make more informed husbandry practice decisions on farm. This project was conducted across the beef, sheep and pork supply chains. 
Previous in this focus area 23 January 2017 Animal welfare auditing Next in this focus area 25 June 2021 Evaluating the socio-economic benefit of the red meat processing industry in regional Australia