AI computer vision – activity based monitoring across specification, cut and yield

31 January 2023
Focus area: Traceability & integrity systems
Program stream: Product & process integrity
Project number: 2022 - 1124
AMPC partnered with an Australian red meat processing plant to look at smart vision technology to track product harvested from carcases and measure the time in motion for each product being prepared at boning and slicing tables. 

Machine Learning algorithms were developed to classify the process steps and measure time spent on each process step. 

The smart vision technology solution was proved to accurately record time in motion measurements, however some technical limitations were encountered and not overcome during the project. 
Previous in this focus area 23 January 2017 Animal welfare auditing Next in this focus area 23 July 2015 Assessing the effectiveness of a carcase hot water decontamination cabinet in small stock processing