Management of the Q Fever Register - stage 3 (hosting, maintenance and support) 2019-2020

31 December 2020
Focus area: Safety & wellbeing
Program stream: People & culture
Project number: 2018-1148
This project funded the management of the Q Fever Register for the red meat processing industry from 2019 - 2020. 

The Australian Q Fever Register (the Register) is the first non-statutory health register to be established in Australia and has been operating since 2001. It provides a secure repository of records documenting the Q Fever status for individuals as an aid for the red meat processing industry (and broader livestock, agricultural and affiliated industries) in managing workplace health risks from Q Fever. 

The Australian Q Fever Register forms an important contribution to Q Fever risk management in the 
workplace, and has provided a continuing service to the red meat processing industry since its inception.
Previous in this focus area 16 May 2016 AMPC summary – food safety and quality assurance for SMEs Next in this focus area 15 June 2021 Meat industry COVID-19 vaccination education awareness, communication strategy and support plan to improve uptake of the vaccine