Empowering Women in Maintenance Trades (EWIT)

20 May 2024
Focus area: Development
Program stream: People & culture
Project number: 2023-1061
The Women in Maintenance Trades programs were a joint initiative between AMPC, EWIT and TAFE NSW to attract more women into the red meat processing industry and to support meat processing plants to consider recruitment strategies to engage more women into traditional trade roles. 

As part of the program, AMPC delivered an immersive experience at red eat processing plants in NSW to promote trade opportunities in red meat processing. This included a 3-day event that focused on trades in red meat processing including plumbing, electrical, fabrication and fitting & turning. 

Outcomes of the program included: 
•    4 out of 33 participants to complete the program identify as First Nations
•    5 participants have reached out to EWIT for additional support with resume development
•    1 participant is now looking for work experience as a Fitter & Turner because of the interactions from the program
•    Industry partners have a better understanding of how to connect with women for non-traditional trade roles from the experience of connection at the immersion days
•    58 regional women have expressed an interest in trades. 
Previous in this focus area 16 May 2016 AMPC summary – food safety and quality assurance for SMEs Next in this focus area 25 January 2017 Evaluating employee skills and capabilities and developing new processes to achieve KPC’s business improvement priorities