07 March 2024
Focus area: Safety & wellbeing
Program stream: People & culture
The aim of this project was to provide a safety solution to reduce the risk of injury from falling off a rise and fall platform (R&FP). Specifically, the project looked to address this through the use of safety harnesses. There were a number of objectives of harness use, including (but not limited to) satisfying fall restraint requirements, allowing Boners to Recirculate behind without any need to detach and re-attach, and minimising ergonomic encumbrance.
To achieve the project objectives, H.W Greenham & Sons developed a solution and created a 3D model concept, before a prototype was developed, tested, tweaked, and then trialled in production. Modifications were made based on feedback and assessment from the production trial. The harness systems were then installed across all R&FP’s.
The project was successful at designing, developing, and implementing a method that reduces the risk of injury from falling off a R&FP. All project objectives were met.