COVID-safe support for the red meat industry – part b

23 June 2021
Focus area: Safety & wellbeing
Program stream: People & culture
Project number: 2021-1089
This project funded the employment of a consultancy firm at an Australian meat processing plant to:

-    Review and assist with the development of policies, protocols, processes, systems, training materials, and action plans
-    To provide support for the transition back to full operations following COVID-19 disruptions and
-    To provide support to adapt to the presence of COVID-19 in the community for the next 12 to 18 months. 

The execution of this project resulted in zero positive cases on plant and no outbreaks during 2021. 

Previous in this focus area 16 May 2016 AMPC summary – food safety and quality assurance for SMEs Next in this focus area 08 December 2023 Data proof of concept for meat processing facilities (Stage 1)