Comparison between conventional training methods and mixed reality technology methods to improve safety – stage 1

01 November 2021
Focus area: Development
Program stream: People & culture
Project number: 2021-1024
This project funded the identification of new mechanisms to improve safety operations at an Australian meat processing plant.  

The project set out to determine the efficacy of immersive reality technology in delivering technical training to operators, enabling just-in-time training, and decreasing dependency on subject matter experts.

A review of available technologies identified augmented reality and virtual reality as the most effective solutions. Augmented reality was identified as being effective in supporting detailed tasks, whereas virtual reality provided more potential as an overarching training tool. 
Previous in this focus area 16 May 2016 AMPC summary – food safety and quality assurance for SMEs Next in this focus area 15 June 2023 Co-product recovery and overall efficiency gain to meet output capacities (stage1)