Salted hide handling system for movement and logistics within the hide processing facility

30 June 2021
Focus area: Hands-off processing
Program stream: Advanced manufacturing
Project number: 2020-1051
This project investigated how to reduce the cost and risk of the labour-intensive heavy lifting components when processing hides by automating palletisation at an Australian meat processing plant. 

This project built on work performed in an initial high-level technical investigation into hide handling which explored concepts for the collection, movement, and placement of folded hides. As part of this project, a prototype system was developed that could collect, transfer and place hides onto pallets and into bins. 

The salted hide handling system was successfully delivered and automated the movement and logistics within the hide processing facility. The system handled over 1.1 million hides during the trial and reduced labour and increased safety. Since the instillation of the system in March 2020 there has been no injuries recorded. 

See the hide packing automation project video here

Previous in this focus area 03 January 2023 Astech PW bandsaw (hands free) set weight Next in this focus area 28 February 2019 Scoping processor requirements in beef cutting control, yield data traceability, robotics, automation and structured manual cutting and handling