Remote operations - shadow robots (stage 1)

30 June 2022
Focus area: Hands-off processing
Program stream: Advanced manufacturing
Project number: 2021-1224
This project funded the development of a concept design of remote-controlled shadow robots in the meat processing industry, in which the robotic arms can be controlled remotely and duplicate human motions in real-time. 

At this stage, the project has successfully developed a conceptual shadow robot system, in which the operator wears a 3D printed exoskeleton device with potentiometers attached to measure her/his joint angles and drives two UR5 robotic arms to achieve the human poses. 

To demonstrate the system's capability and functionality, the testing operator drives the robotic arms to pick up an object, hand it over to the other arm and drop it off at a desired reachable position. 

The proof of concept development demonstrated that the designed shadow robot system could be used to duplicate human motions. 
Previous in this focus area 03 January 2023 Astech PW bandsaw (hands free) set weight Next in this focus area 24 April 2022 Remote operations - shadow robots (stage 2 – part a)