Progressing fundamental vision and sensing and demonstrating the value of the Australian meat processing industry

01 February 2016
Focus area: Hands-off processing
Program stream: Advanced manufacturing
Project number: 2014-1026
According to MLA, Australia is among the largest and most successful and efficient producers of commercial livestock and leader in the export of red meat and livestock.

Nevertheless, the industry faces some challenges especially those ones related to process automation. Lots of companies are using semi-automation e.g. in form of conveyors, but the majority of processes within the red meat industry are related to manual handling. Meat processing facilities are therefore very labour intensive and manual picking and packing of primal cuts of up to 5 kg leads to an enhanced occupational health and safety risk (OH&S) for operators.

This is connected with a high employee turnover resulting in a loss of quality and inefficiencies due to a constant training for new employees during operating times. This fact also makes the red meat industry in Australia less attractive as an employer for younger people. Process automation is inevitable for the Australian red meat industry to reduce operating costs, increase OH&S standards, maintain its productivity and increase its attractiveness as an employer.
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