Collaborative robots evaluation and deployment strategy development – stage 2

29 April 2022
Focus area: Hands-off processing
Program stream: Advanced manufacturing
Project number: 2021-1238
AMPC partnered with the University of Adelaide (UoA) to investigate how collaborative robots may be deployed within the Australian red meat processing industry. 

Based on the investigation, four main areas were identified that would benefit from collaborative robots to improve safety, cost, and productivity of the current process. 

These include: 
-    Sorting, packing, and palletising of vacuum-packed meat parts 
-    Picking, cutting, and weighing lamb shanks 
-    Meat quality inspection and processing performance monitoring 
-    Human-robot collaborative beef fat trimming. 

To further demonstrate the concept of using collaborative robots within the industry, UoA developed a collaborative robot for sharpening knives. As part of the project, an electric wheel knife sharpener attached to the end of a robot was trialed. 
Previous in this focus area 03 January 2023 Astech PW bandsaw (hands free) set weight Next in this focus area 29 September 2022 Collaborative robots evaluation and deployment strategy development – stage 2