Bone belt monitoring – vision combined with DEXA - Stage 2

06 June 2022
Focus area: Carcase primal profitability optimisation
Program stream: Advanced manufacturing
Project number: 2021-1176
AMPC partnered with Danish Meat Research Institute (DMRI) to explore a vision and x-ray system for monitoring the product stream of a bone belt. This project also developed algorithms capable of determining the trim quality of different types of bones as well as foreign object detection with the product stream. 

DMRI developed a high-end vision and DEXA platform, which used vision and x-ray sensors capable of continuously scanning meat product through fast line-scan measuring. Trials were conducted on bones from cattle from processors from the local meat industry in Denmark and trim levels were recorded. Using AI machine learning, classification models were created for the automatic location and recognition of different bone segments. 
Previous in this focus area 03 January 2023 Astech PW bandsaw (hands free) set weight Next in this focus area 30 May 2022 Bone belt monitoring – vision RGB+NIR stage 2