Automation of primal cut bagging

29 November 2019
Focus area: Hands-off processing
Program stream: Advanced manufacturing
Project number: 2018-1049
This project examined the most effective way of bagging and labelling naked primal cuts. It looked at existing available automated bagging technologies and how they could be applied to this task as well as other available technologies that might be applied and used as building blocks for the development of a solution from the ground up. 

After examining the available technologies, a concept design for an automated primal cut bagging system that focused on providing minimal manual operation was developed. The final concept design was generic and will need to be customised to suit an individual meat processing plant. 

The project also set the framework required for an automated bagging system that can integrated at an operating meat processing plant and communicate with additional automation systems. 

Further work is required to develop a suitable prototype for a robotic spatula tool design for automatic handling of naked primal cuts. 
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