Automated rib cutting

08 February 2019
Focus area: Hands-off processing
Program stream: Advanced manufacturing
Project number: 2018-1072
A novel beef boning process layout (LEAP for beef) that leverages the lamb automation modules has been developed. 

In 2016 the first two beef modules were successfully completed - a DEXA enabled automated beef rib scribing solution.  This is the first of 10 modules that will comprise the automated beef boning room. The modules will be driven from a mixture of both Dual Energy X-Ray (DEXA) and evolving Rapiscan and 4DDI CT systems.  These will provide additional supply chain benefits and efficiencies to the host processor and their producer suppliers.

The intention is to derive a technology platform to enable a collection of further LEAP for beef sub-projects such as rack processing (short rib cutting, brisket cutting, chine cutting and fat trimming to specification), meat quality measurement (tenderness & IMF), auto vacuum bag loading, auto pick and pack plus other OCM developments.

The beef boning automation program will represent the only fully automated and integrated beef system available worldwide. These systems will pioneer large scale, high throughput and sophisticated automation solutions required to maximise cutting accuracy and yield, as well as serving as a platform for object carcase measurement and traceability.
Previous in this focus area 03 January 2023 Astech PW bandsaw (hands free) set weight Next in this focus area 24 October 2024 Automated robotic AI chilled 4-cut beef scribing system