Artificial Intelligence - non-x-ray beef cutting - stage 2

06 April 2022
Focus area: Carcase primal profitability optimisation
Program stream: Advanced manufacturing
Project number: 2021-1222
AMPC worked with Intelligent Robotics to evaluate designs for non-x-ray automated beef cutting systems and to report on the potential accuracy and reliability of such a system.  

As part of the project, Intelligent Robotics developed a sensing concept design for a non-x-ray beef scribing system. Site trials were performed to gather sensing data. Once the data was acquired, several neural networks were trialed to find the optimal setup to accurately predict these features. 

The results obtained suggest that neural networks offer a feasible sensing alternative for beef scribing to x-ray sensing. It is also possible to identify the key features required to characterise beef scribing cuts without using x-ray sending. 
Previous in this focus area 03 January 2023 Astech PW bandsaw (hands free) set weight Next in this focus area 14 March 2022 Automated beef scribing – stage 2