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Your story, your way

30 May 2021
Your story, your way

Processors want to be heard and valued by industry, the market, regulators and government. And all of you have a great opportunity to create the story they will hear.


There’s a saying that perception is reality, but perception has not always been fair to the processing sector. AMPC has launched an important member-driven project that will help processors to be more easily recognised for the unique and valuable role they play within the red meat Industry. It will also give the sector a clear and distinct voice, ensuring better communication with stakeholders right across the supply chain and especially with government and regulators.

The work is being done in partnership with our supplier partner Anecdote International, but the narrative that comes out of this project must be told and owned by our processors to have the most impact.

So far, we have held two major workshops with more than 65 processor members sharing their thoughts on the value of the sector. We are now drafting the narrative and after executive review we will ask you to join us via zoom to review it and develop the tangible evidence that backs up the story.

There will also be training on how and when to use the new story so please look out for further information on how to get involved from project lead Matt Deegan. He can be contacted on 0429 977 028 or

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