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Refrigeration energy efficiency workshops

26 September 2021
Refrigeration energy efficiency workshops

AMPC recently delivered a series of refrigeration energy efficiency workshops with our members that included handbooks, guidebooks, calculation tools and customised reports for each participant.

AMPC also provided information around a new out-sourcing model capable of funding energy efficient industrial refrigeration at a lower cost, known as Refrigeration as a Service (RaaS). AMPC will test this model as part of a new project with the aim of helping members adopt this model to save costs.

RaaS is a capital funding and equipment servicing model that reduces life-time costs by putting the ownership and performance of the refrigeration system into the hands of a specialist.

Program Manager Matthew Deegan said, “It allows meat processing plants who have adopted the service to focus on their core business and be confident that the complexities of running energy efficient refrigeration are in place.”

If you are interested in exploring more about RaaS please contact

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