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New showcase clips - Meat Industry Environment Network

15 November 2017
New showcase clips - Meat Industry Environment Network

AMPC and MINTRAC are pleased to present two new showcase clips as part of the Meat Industry Environment Network project.

Three showcase clips were filmed for this project:

  1. The waste water system at Thomas Foods International’s Murray Bridge facility – a low energy, highly efficient system which recovers valuable resources from the waste water while meeting all the relevant legislative and licensing requirements and improving the environmental outcomes for the local community.
  1. The water reuse and recycle at Teys Hide Processing Plant in Murgon – the plant now recycles every wastewater stream and reuses it wherever they can, uses sludge to make compost and has reduced the waste leaving the plant to just one skip bin a week.
  1. The lab at the University of Queensland’s Advanced Water Management Centre (AWMC) has undertaken research for AMPC on effective and low-cost management of water resources and using waste water streams for feedstock and value-added products.

Click here to view all.

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