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New AI tech to support beef traceability

21 June 2024
New AI tech to support beef traceability

An AI tech solution is being trialled at The Casino Food Co-op to track beef primal cuts by carcase ID and initial results are positive.

Currently, once a carcase is broken down beyond quarters there are limited practical solutions to track and trace the smaller cuts through the processing plant. The research partnership between AMPC, The Casino Food Co-op and technology provider FloVision aims to provide a solution.

AMPC Program Manager Ann McDonald said, “Traceability after carcase breakdown is a key industry need. 

 “If a reliable solution can be validated that can trace primal cuts back to their carcase, without substantial infrastructure and procedure change, this could unlock huge value in yield, genetics, quality control, and recall efficiency for red meat processors.” 

“Having knowledge of which final products came from which carcases can also help stakeholders along the supply chain to better understand what carcase traits lead to better final products, in terms of adherence to specification, presentation, and colour.”

The new tech solution developed by US-based company FloVision Solutions, involves setting up cameras where carcases come into the boning room. At this stage, video and AI capture the carcase ID. Once it goes through to be cut into primals there is another set of cameras. Then the solution uses AI to look for matching characteristics to trace the primals back to the original carcase. 

As part of the research the FloVision team visited The Casino Food Co-Op to collect the data required to match characteristics. 

The Casino Food Co-op Innovation Coordinator Kalani Moss said, “This technology, if successful, has potential to assist with product integrity and adds a whole new level of identification to the Paddock to Plate Concept. We look forward to seeing the next stages of the project.”

Ann said, “Having this data available will also allow processors to better manage their supply, and to be able to provide feedback to their suppliers regarding a consignment’s alignment with customer specifications. This technology has the potential to provide our processors with a significant benefit.  

“This tech will also support processors in the unlikely event that there may be product recalls. The ability to link primals to carcase IDs would allow more focused recall procedures, reducing the impact of the recall and the costs associated.”

Striploin primal cuts are being used in the current trials. Next steps would involve looking at a larger range of primals and machine learning to pick up more characteristics. 

The ultimate end target would be matching secondary cuts back to primals then to carcases, and matching label descriptions with what is put in the carton. All this information would be stored in a database and eventually processors could be able to trace all cuts back to a carcase and then an individual animal. 

For more information contact AMPC Program Manager Ann Mcdonald at