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Member survey results

26 September 2021
Member survey results

Thank you to our members who participated in our inaugural member survey in August. Telephone surveys were conducted, and responses provided were from 40 meat processing plants.

Overall, the survey showed high satisfaction with AMPC which we are proud of. More importantly, we want to focus on the recommendations for improvement.

We are dedicated to improving our service to members and will actively pursue the recommendations outlined below.

The survey will be conducted every year so that we can track our progress and continually improve our service to members.

Results summary

  • AMPC members report very high satisfaction with AMPC overall. Many speak of great improvements in their experience with AMPC over the last few years. This is attributed to more member support through additional devoted resources. AMPC employees are found to be responsive, approachable, and increasingly knowledgeable.
  • Members have a high degree of trust in AMPC.
  • For some members, negative experiences in the past are influencing their current perceptions of AMPC.
    AMPC is best known for their research and development services and their assistance with research projects at individual plants and for industry wide needs.
  • AMPC’s innovation and ideas, plant-initiated projects and facilitation and adoption of R&D are highly regarded by members. Many members who have used these services describe them as either good or very good.
  • AMPC has the greatest reach to members through member newsletters, 80% of those interviewed recall having seen a newsletter in the previous 12 months.
  • AMPC members interviewed express little interest in the AMPC website. Many indicate they don’t use it, typically because they are not interested or are too busy. For most, their preference is to be informed by AMPC through direct contact, rather than needing to source the information for themselves.
  • Typically, members find between one and four visits from AMPC per year desirable. Members from larger organisations are more interested in frequent visits than members from smaller organisations.

Recommendations for AMPC

AMPC is dedicated to improving and we will be working hard on the recommendations of the member survey outlined below.

  • Consider ways to better target potential projects and opportunities to member interests.
  • Review processes to better encourage member follow-up phone calls, particularly after the presentation of opportunities.
  • Review processes with a view to more effectively notifying members of the status of their applications.
  • Consider whether there is opportunity to better advertise and increase awareness of tools and resources and research reports services.
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