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Meet our program managers - Matt Deegan

22 September 2021
Meet our program managers - Matt Deegan

This month we talk with Matthew Deegan, or Deegs as some of us call him.

What did you do before AMPC?
I have a background in construction and project finance. Then in 2009, around the time of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme in Australia, I became interested in climate change. Since then I’ve worked with several not-for-profits and statutory corporations who invested in clean technology and climate change programs

What do you love most about your role at AMPC?

Hearing the different stories of people who work in the red meat industry.

Who is your favourite sports team?
The Wallabies, and that’s not just because they recently won two games against Republic of South Africa.

Tell us something about yourself we wouldn’t know?
I’m a bit of a sports tragic. You know – played in every team, and every position, for the cricket club. Once I finished a marathon, before the sun went down (i.e. photo attached was before phone cameras).

Where do you see red meat processing in 10 years?
Consumers and stakeholders really understand and appreciate the great value and role that red meat processors play domestically and globally.

Pineapple on pizza?

Previous in this focus area 23 October 2021 Update on shadow robots Next in this focus area 14 June 2017 Three leaders graduated from the Australian agribusiness leadership program